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About The artist

Agostino centobelli

Agostino Centobelli was born in Naples on 5 April, 1974.
He has been passionate about drawing and painting since he was a child. Artistic study began at the state high school of art in Torre del Greco.
His love for carving shell cameos arose with the need to focus his interests in one single direction."I regard cameo carving as a special art set between painting and sculpture" he says . "A real cameo has the sense of sculpture's three dimensions while the shades one can obtain through glazing are peculiar to painting". Attending the Academy of Fine Art in Naples gave him the opportunity to appreciate sculpture and develop his passion for it.
His development as an artist has meant experimentation with new techniques not necessarily exclusive to the cameo form.


Catene di contagio - 2022

Il grande gioco - 1999